soo busy

mood: exhausted
music: michael bolton – sittin’ on the dock of the bay

i’ve been so busy since getting back, i think things are under control now for the most part…

i did a horribly in bowling today, yikes i need some practice maybe this weekend, although i need to study for my cisco routing exam and write a paper for wireless and finish some more resume cover letters for this summer and so many other things it would be nice to have a week off to get things in order, the end of the semester is coming up so fast…

in other news i got to talk with someone monday (tuesday? i dunno they’re all melting together) night that i haven’t had a achance to in a while, that was good. let’s see i’m at work now then at 10 head back to my room catch up on the news, a half hour of leno, tss and junkyard wars; oh yeah and read some poems for english tomorrow…

i realize this blog is lacking very much content, but frankly i’m out of energy right now and so it’ll have to do. i’ll tell you what i did tonight at work though 🙂 someone totally hosed our wireless acess point and router for it so both of those had to be reconfigured and that took a couple hours of course no i’m here…writing to you… well until another post…

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