Monthly Archives: November 2003


We got some snow today! It’s about time, although the meterologists suggested we may get up to a foot, all we have right now is a dusting. I’ll take what I can get though. I went out and did some winter photography this morning, it wasn’t as nice as the snow we got at the beginning of the month, but maybe it’ll stick around this time. I’ll be sure to post the photos once I get them developed.

Speaking of photos, I know I promised and haven’t posted photos from our summer trip to Boston. Fear not! They are on the way and I haven’t forgotten, I just haven’t had the time yet, it’s been quite busy lately as you might imagine and I promise sometime soon I will get them up.

Stay tuned.

Amazon Wishlist

For those of you who are looking for the perfect 21st birthday or Christmas gift for me you can take a look at my Wishlist for some ideas, I have listed everything from DVDs to CDs to books that I would be overjoyed to receive. Yes, a real blog entry should be on its way shortly as well…