Golden Oppertunities

Thursday July 18, 2002 – I got to sleep in a bit again today. Some people got up earlier and made a KrispyKreme run so I got some fresh doughnuts for breakfast. We gathered up all our things and packed the car, checked out of the hotel and drove around San Francisco for a while taking in the sights one more time. We drove down Lombard Street, the “Crookedest Street” in the world and through another part of Golden Gate Park. We ended up over by the bridge itself and we walked halfway across and back because it was pretty windy and cold for some of us. I got a few ok shots of the bridge up close but nothing spectacular because there was a pretty low dense fog in the bay today which was too bad because I saw the opportunity for some great stuff. After we got back from our walk we drove through a couple other parts of San Francisco and tried to spot some seals offshore for my mom but were unsuccessful in doing so. After that Anna and I got dropped off at the TechTV studios where we had a one o’clock appointment with Chris Pirillo to see a broadcast of Call For Help. As it turns out CFH was dark today but he thought they might be doing some blocking, as it turned out they didn’t block today either but we still both had a fantastic time. It was just what I was looking for, a bit of a chance to see the inner workings of TechTV and more of the studio. I can’t stress enough what a great guy Chris is, he not only showed us around the studio a bit and let us take some pictures of the CFH studio but we had a good talk and walked up to Peet’s for his caffeine fix. I’m amazed by how much excitement he can show for technology, I may be just as excited as he is but he does a real job showing it. After he left we waited around a bit for the TSS broadcast, I got to meet Greg Dege from Leoville who was also there for the broadcast and is also a great guy. The TSS show itself today was pretty good and being there was fantastic, I hope I have the opportunity again sometime. I would have liked to get some photos of the set and TSS crew, but didn’t feel comfortable in the much more formal audience setting they’re using now. During the show Leo was generous enough to sign a copy of his book for me. After the show ended we headed South out of town running into a bit of traffic, but eventually getting to Sunnyvale, CA one of the Silicon Valley cities where we’re spending the night. We ate dinner at an ok local pasta restaurant but nothing spectacular. Tomorrow we’re heading just another hour or so down the cost I think to see some more coast and attractions so I should head to bed I suppose.

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