You may be surprised to know that I’m a fan of the US TV series “Cops“. After all, it’s not known as the most intellectually stimulating show but I do find it amusing to see what kind of trouble people can talk themselves into. “Really, I just pulled you over for a headlight that was out and in the end you’re going to prison because you told me I could search your car and I found a dozen guns and five pounds of drugs.” It’s also interesting to keep an eye on police tactics and see just how close they themselves can walk the line of illegal activity such as entrapment.
Along the same lines the website has some fun videos you can watch. In case you didn’t know bait cars are cars that police agencies have rigged with video and sound and which usually can be remotely disabled. The departments put them out on the streets in the hopes that someone will steal them and they can get a car thief off the street. Now most of these thieves are not the brightes bulbs on the tree to begin with but how can you not laugh when they’re praying they’re not driving a bait car.
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