Stop Badware

Three powerful institutions have teemed up against so called “malware “spyware” and “badware”. aims to be a clearinghouse for information about badware. Organized by Harvard Oxford and Consumer Reports the site is currently collecting user stories and technical reports in an effort to better understand the problems and programs associated with badware. Part of the problem in dealing with badware is that it’s hard to nail down exactly what qualifies as badware. These researchers hope to answer that question based on user input. Eventually the site will include access to this database of user reports about specific applications and behaviors associated with badware. Many listings of spyware have found themselves on the receiving end of a lawsuit from a listed company but hopes are that with the backing of Harvard Law School and actual reports from end users this site will be able to call out any company supporting badware without much fear.

I’m surprised this hasn’t received more coverage in the “geek” press (Digg, Slashdot, etc.) and expect to become a significant player and information clearinghouse in the anti-badware arena.

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