Category Archives: Software - Page 7

Ever wanted to run your own library?

Getting Integrated Library System (ILS) software is often an expensive and proprietary propisition. Koha is an open-source web-based ILS system designed for complete library systems with multiple branches, patron management, bar code printing and more. With releases dating back to 2000 this software has some stability and users behind it making it a good bet for libraries in need of an open or inexpensive ILS.

Ungoliant and Shelob Protect Networks From Themselves

Last week IT professionals from the University of Indianapolis demonstrated their network virus detection and quarantine tool, called Shelob, at the Educause 2005 conference in Orlando, FL.

Shelob was designed to stem the rapid spread of network-propagated viruses by combining several existing protocols and services. This server-based management tool, capable of removing infected computers from the network, went into production in fall of 2004, monitoring all nonwireless traffic from resident halls, computer labs, and desktop computers.

My understanding is that the product, built on open source software, detects infections and automatically moves infected systems into a quarantine VLAN which points them towards a web page explaining the problem and how to fix it. The programs designers are working on gleaning up the project to make it usable by other instituions and groups through the Ungoliant project. Handouts from Educause and additional information are avilible at that site.

Linux Based Router Software

If setting up a NAS server isn’t what you’re looking for but you want to use an old system as a router you might want to look at m0n0wall or smoothwall.

Free and Easy Network Attached Storage

For those that want to setup a network file server without all the complexity (and flexibility) of a complete Linux/SAMBA server two projects to look at are NASLite and Openfiler.