Adding Greylisting and SPF support to Postfix

For quite some time now I’ve been running my own Linux (Debian w/ Postfix) mailservers. For the past several years I’ve had good luck basing my installations on the fantastic instructions available at but this summer even these systems were failing to filter a lot of my spam. Naturally, I went looking for other anti-spam technologies I could add.

For a few years now I’ve published SPF records for my domains and I’m a strong believer that wider implementation of SPF would greatly reduce the amount of spam using forged addresses. Anyway even though I had been publishing SPF records I had not gotten around to implementing SPF checks on my own server so this was one thing I was looking for.

Another was that I had heard a little bit about something called greylisting. Greylisting is a process by which mail from unknown senders is initially bounced with a “service temporairly unavailable” message but when the remote server tries a second time after waiting some period the message is allowed through. This works on the premise that real mail servers which comply with the mail RFCs will keep retrying to send a message until it goes through or a hold timer expires (usually several days) but spamming programs (often trojans on unsuspecting users’ systems) will only try once. Obviously this won’t stop all spam, especially that from legitimate companies using legitimate spam servers and it could easily be bypassed by the trojan writers by trying to send a message several times. I beleive the latter has not happened because of the additional processing overhead this would create and so far it’s simply not efficient for spammers to track all this.

Eventually I settled on implementing both SPF checking and greylisting based on this guide. The guide actually contains a full howto on setting up a Debian/Postfix mailserver similar to the guide I mentioned before. I have only briefly glanced at this other information as I already had a working mailserver but I can say that the method they propose is quite similar, but not entirely the same as the method.

Since implementing these changes my own mailserver has been rejecting much more spam (without any increas in false positives) than before. When I temporairly turned this off to migrate to a new mailserver I immediately saw a marked increase in spam getting through. While I have not tested it extensively it is my belief that more is being stopped by the greylisting than the SPF, mostly because many domains do not yet publish SPF records (though several large ISPs which are commonly spoofed now do).

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