bowling along

i had a good day today i think. it was fun for the most part. it started off really well when i stuck around after bowling class and practiced for an extra half hour by myself, i raised my average from an embarassingly low score to a respectable 129, i think i made my teacher’s day too.

i mentioned that i might be taking the CCNP routing exam yesterday night, well yesterday i decided to go ahead and do it after talking to my instructor who had more faith in me than i did. unfortunately the testing server went down right before our test was scheduled and it took us too long to fix it (ohh how i hate windows NT and it’s non plug and play capabilities) so we all get to pick anytime we want to take our tests, i’m thinking next friday when i have no classes or work. i’ll let you know how it goes.

my laptop keyboard was acting up again today, i need to have some parts replaced so it doesn’t type on it’s own and so on, but as a temporary remedy i decided to take out the internal keyboard and scrub it down with soap and water, no big deal, but until it drys completely i won’t put it back in the laptop (gives an error at boot) so I’m running my laptop with an external mouse/keyboard for the next few days, it looks funny with the guts exposed 🙂

at work tonight i got pretty bored, so first i fixed our frequency counter and played with some voice over IP equipment. i dug around the office and lab to see what new (and old) equipment was around and played with some for a while. the guys from the telecom policy and regulations class down the hall had a sub prof. today who’s one of our geniuses here, ex-motorola. anyway we went and shot the moon with him for a while to.

just witing for cheers to come on which i’ll watch and then head to bed, tomorrow i have to get up and shower quite a bit earlier than usual because they’re turning off the water in the building from 10AM to 8PM to fix some hot water problems…

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