Category Archives: Tech - Page 28

cisco fun

let’s see, yeah i know i said i would try and get back to some more regular posting again, but duty calls and it looks like it will continue to call through the end of the school year which is another week and a half for me. let’s see if i can remember what’s been going on this week, this is a distinct disadvantage of having a low medium term memory and not blogging often enough 🙂

i think i got a lot of stuff done over the weekend, although not as much as i had planned, but i never get all of it done. in anyevent as of sunday i was feeling pretty good about that. of course there’s continuing and mounting pressure to pick a summer job, which isn’t getting easier the busier i get towards the end of the year, more on that later.

i eased into the week on monday with some bowling, at which i did simple terrible, i figgured out why on wednesday, more to come. monday night i had a wireless network class, they’re doing presentations on some chapters in the boook that’s going to be used next year, i got out of it since i know as much as i do and i know the prof. i get to rate groups and grill them afterwards with questions on their material, it might require less preparation, but it requires more knowledge.

tuesday i decided i was going to take my ccnp routing exam on wednesday night when i work in the telcom lab. we also did some more discussion on ethan frome in english class. we did some more work with integration in calc, i must say again calc is the easiest math class i’ve taken in a very long time. didn’t go to my routing class because my group is finished with all the labs.

wednesday started off with me doing very poorly in bowling again, then after a couple frames i realized that i was using the opposite side of my foot than usual to count off the boards and this was really screwing me up, after fixing that i did much much better. it started to get interesting when i headed off to work and to take my cisco exam, the testing server needed to be rebooted and was locked up for the night in another building so again, no exam. i was starting to think someone really didn’t want me to take this exam because this was the second time i had scheduled to take it and couldn’t and the third time i wanted to take it and it didn’t work out, i got permission to take it friday afternoon. otherwise it was a pretty slow night. when i got back from work i wasn’t feeling too hot thouhg, still not quite sure why., i wasn’t sick or anything, nor was i mad or sad, just like totally unfeeling which is unusual for me, i’m usually happy even if i’m in a bad mood, must have been something subliminal.

thursday was a good day because i found out that i did very very well on a test in energy tech, and i also had event tech (my new job for next fall) training which is really fun for me. we started integration by substitution in calc, which isn’t difficult, but is a little time consuming. i got to go back to the room and grab a bite to ea before heading to trainings. of couse we had to start with the boring stuff, procedures, policies and handbook material but then it got a little more interesting. they have a checklist of things you need to get signed off on before you can start working for them, well we started talking about some of the experiance i have with shows and equipment and we were able to check off more than half the list without getting up from the table. after that we walked around the building and looked at some of the room specific things which got another 1/4 of the list checked off, then we diceded to go home so we could save some of it for next time. all in all i think they’re more than a little impressed with my background and knowledge which can only be a good think, they’re also very thankful to have someone who really really knows what’s going on with them, i think it’ll be great working there.

that brings us to today, i got up, ate lunch and headed over to the telcom lab to take my cisco 640-503 routing exam, i was actually able to take it this time. i must say that partway through the exam i was worried about if i’d be able to pass it or not, but thankfully i did. in fact i scored 100% in two of the areas on the exam, my score was not as stellar as my CCNA score but still a lot better than other people taking this exam have been doing, so i felt really good about that and good about getting it done, it takes off a lot of pressure for me. right now, i’m sitting down at work in the campus lab, which is the job i’ll be leaving next semester to take the one at MSC, speaking of which i should get busy on letting them know i wn’t be back next semester. i also should probably work on some more letters to possible summer employers to see what they have open for positions. and then thier’s the matter of that last english paper for thursday, but maybe i’ll do that tomorrow instead.

speaking of tomorrow, i have lunch plans in Eau Claire with some friends from the cities that go to school there, it’ll be nice to see them again, i miss them a lot, i’ll let you know how it goes. turns out my sister won’t be coming to stay with me for the weekend because she’s working on a choir show in the cities, good for her, my people tell me she’s doing an excellent job at the light board. i think that’s it for now and again i hope to update a bit more frequently we’ll see if that actually happens or not as the year winds down here. well i should try and get some work done i suppose, although i doubt i’ll get much done.

it’s been a long time…

all together now, this sucks, i had a good start on an entry and i got a bluescreen in xp which never happens… ahh well what can ya do… we’ll try again.

wow it’s been a week since my last blog, that’s pretty bad, but it was a busy week. i worked all last weekend which pretty much kills the weekend.

the first part of the week was pretty slow, tuesday and wednesday nights their were solo tryouts for current jam in the cities, i couldn’t get there of course but i did get to hear about them seem to be looking at some good groups this year. wednesday i bumped up my bowling average a bit and we started integration in calc this week, yuk!

on wednesday (i think, maybe it was tuesday) i decided i needed to outfit my hitachi broadcast camera with it’s new power fittings so i went to the manufacturing lab to have someone do it. lucky me there was no one availible to do it so they let me do it myself, needless to say i got a kick out of getting to use a ram drill to make the holes in the metal plates for the jacks. then i spent some quality time with epoxy and a solderign iron wiring up the new jacks and power supply for the camera, it looks pretty good too!

it starts to get a little more interesting on thursday, after my last class (calc) i headed back to my room, dropped my stuff and ate dinner. then i headed down to the student center to try out being an event tech for a night, which will be a new job for me here on campus next semester. i loved every minute of it, this was unpaid time so i could leave at any time, i got there at ~5:30 and stayed until after 11 when everything was over. i got ot see all the secret passageways around the building too. we had a couple of events going on, there were some groups meeting that needed lcd’s and laptops which we took and setup for them. there was an early childhood conference setting up too so we had to drop power for lots of them. there was also an open mic night in one of the cafes in the building so we had to monitor that equipment too. for a while it was pretty exciting being needed in six places at once and running around the building, this is the sort of stuff i really enjoy doing. anyway i think it’ll be a really fun job, and the people are really nice as well.

that brings us to today, i stayed up until at least 3:15 last night and slept in until the phone woke my up at 1:00PM today. i got up and listened to the message, the front desk had a big package they wanted me to come get asap, so i took a shower and went down for my usual friday omelette(sp?) picked up my mail (which had a key) and stopped my the desk for the package, it was the new JVC camera I’d been waiting for. for those who don’t know i do a fair bit of video work and used to have to rent the broadcast cameras, i bouth two in the last month, so i’m pretty well set up for them now, anyway this one’s a beaut JVC KY27U with a 18x lens and SVHS deck docked on the back, i’ll put up a photo of me and my cameras sometime soon. it was a good buy and i’m very happy with it. in fact i used it to tape a LAN party in the basement here tonight in very low light and it preformed very well although the stills from the video don’t look good.

registered for fall classes today, i won’t say too much about it because i have to get a level wavier for one class and an overload sig for another, but then i’ll take soem time to discuss my classes for fall.

tomorrow i think i have to go to the library and do some research for a historty research project. we’ll see how that goes. oh my, someone just knocked on my door, needs to reinstall their video drivers so i’d better go, then i should get some sleep so i can get up at a decent hour tomorrow. in any event i hope to get back to a little more reular schedule of blogging soon!

bowling along

i had a good day today i think. it was fun for the most part. it started off really well when i stuck around after bowling class and practiced for an extra half hour by myself, i raised my average from an embarassingly low score to a respectable 129, i think i made my teacher’s day too.

i mentioned that i might be taking the CCNP routing exam yesterday night, well yesterday i decided to go ahead and do it after talking to my instructor who had more faith in me than i did. unfortunately the testing server went down right before our test was scheduled and it took us too long to fix it (ohh how i hate windows NT and it’s non plug and play capabilities) so we all get to pick anytime we want to take our tests, i’m thinking next friday when i have no classes or work. i’ll let you know how it goes.

my laptop keyboard was acting up again today, i need to have some parts replaced so it doesn’t type on it’s own and so on, but as a temporary remedy i decided to take out the internal keyboard and scrub it down with soap and water, no big deal, but until it drys completely i won’t put it back in the laptop (gives an error at boot) so I’m running my laptop with an external mouse/keyboard for the next few days, it looks funny with the guts exposed 🙂

at work tonight i got pretty bored, so first i fixed our frequency counter and played with some voice over IP equipment. i dug around the office and lab to see what new (and old) equipment was around and played with some for a while. the guys from the telecom policy and regulations class down the hall had a sub prof. today who’s one of our geniuses here, ex-motorola. anyway we went and shot the moon with him for a while to.

just witing for cheers to come on which i’ll watch and then head to bed, tomorrow i have to get up and shower quite a bit earlier than usual because they’re turning off the water in the building from 10AM to 8PM to fix some hot water problems…

more tomorrow

it’s late, i have to get up tomorow so i’ll keep it short and blog tomorrow before I fly out of town, then silence for a week… but i’ll have lots to say and hopefully some beautiful pictures when i get back.

sammydman wants to know how i got webcam32 to show the time in 12 hour format well… this is my caption text:
Ben’s Cam | %a, %b %d %Y | %I:%M:%S %p CST
so “%I:%M:%S %p CST” gives you the time in 12 hour format, I think I had to look up the settings in the manual and figure that all out on my own, it’s much nicer though…

ok kids, gotta get some sleep now, see you tomorrow!